Investment Soup: A Recipe for Financial Success

Building a savvy financial portfolio is a lot like whipping up a delicious recipe. The secret is in the...

Bridgewater Wealth Named As A 2016 Financial Times 300 Top Financial Adviser

Bridgewater Wealth is honored to be selected as one of Financial Times top 300 financial advisory firms...

Stop Trying To Change

Kaley Klemp, 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership author, inspires us to grow...

WTOP Interview: Do You Know What You Are Invested In And Why?

LISTEN NOW! What questions should you be asking about your investments to know if they are right for...

Past Performance Is Not Indicative Of Future Results

This boilerplate compliance disclaimer contains some of the wisest and least heeded investment...

WTOP Interview: Tie Up Those Post Divorce Financial Loose Ends

LISTEN NOW: Our Moving On Post Divorce Checklist guides you through what you need to do to move on with...

How To Overcome Your Money Fears and Move Ahead

Do you fear outliving your money? Or losing what you have? Learn your fear triggers and how to overcome...

Smart Saving Strategies for Millennials from a Millennial

Learn smart ways to save and grow your wealth in your 20s and 30s when you think you don't have any money to put...

Year End Tax Planning In A Year Of Uncertainty

Year-end tax planning has its own unique challenges this year, but there's still time to save on your...

WTOP Interview: Think Like An Investment Advisor To Be A Better Investor

LISTEN NOW! With pensions becoming a thing of the past, you not only need to be a better saver, but a better...

Aging Parents Aging Us: Preparing For Your Next Phase in Life

If your in your 50s, its time to plan for the next stage in your life. Here's how to prepare financially and...

WTOP Interview: The Impact Of Equal Pay Day On Women And Their Wealth

LISTEN NOW: Women work about 3 months longer than men to earn what they make in 12 months. The impact is...

Financial Fitness Checkup

Are you a financial rockstar or need a better plan? Take our quiz and learn how to be in control of your...

Mindful Culture: Create It or It Creates You

Culture is an overused buzzword these days! Learn how we intentionally created an open and supportive...

Financial Pressures Today’s Breadwinner Women Face

Women breadwinners have unique financial needs as they contribute more income to support their families and their...

WTOP Interview: Why Financial Advice For The Masses Won’t Work For You

LISTEN NOW! Rules of thumb are great guidelines, but smart financial decisions should be designed just for...

Aging Parents Aging Us: Helping Parents As They Age

How to have conversations with aging parents about medical care, living arrangements and more so their wishes are...

WTOP Interview: Spring Cleaning Your Finances

LISTEN NOW: Spring is the perfect time to get organized and get your finances in shape for the rest of the...

WTOP Interview: The Gift of Financial Empowerment

LISTEN NOW: Instead of giving another pair of fuzzy socks, give your loved ones a gift that has lasting...

5 Steps to Get Yourself Financially Organized

Want to get your own financial house in order? Here’s how to get organized  and stay organized once and for...

9 Things You Need To Know About Repaying College Debt

College loans are coming due so know your repayment options. Here's the info you need to make the best...

WTOP Interview: Consider All Your Dimensions Of Wealth When Managing Your Finances

LISTEN NOW! Did you know that you have over 40 dimensions of wealth and each one affects your financial...

Retirement Planning for Couples with Age Gaps

Couples with large age gaps have special considerations when planning for retirement to make sure their money...

WTOP Interview: How To Navigate Your Taxes After A Divorce

LISTEN NOW: Many things change after a divorce including your taxes. We help you avoid unwanted tax...

Year End Tax Planning Tips for Procrastinators

There's still time to make smart tax planning moves to reduce your 2016 tax bill, but you need to act...