Advice for parents who want to help boost their children’s financial IQs

As a freshly minted college graduate, I thought I was well prepared to launch into adulthood. But there was one nagging issue that kept holding me back: a lack...

Why You May Now Want to Consider After-Tax 401(k) Contributions

Defined contribution plans, such as a traditional 401(k) plan, offer the benefit of saving for retirement using pre-tax dollars.  For 2017, the maximum contribution to these plans allowed by...

What Should You Know About Long-Term Care Insurance?

As the average life expectancy of Americans continues to increase, many people are finding that they or their loved ones require support services to meet their needs as they...

4 Tips for First-time Homebuyers

Buying your first home is an exciting and daunting experience. As much as you prepare, inevitably, parts of the process are out of your control.  Sound preparation and consistent...