Fundamental Analysis of economic, sector and business variables will identify relative value and generate successful outcomes over long-term investment horizons.
Active Management and contrarian strategies complement broad market exposures, enhancing portfolio efficiency.
Risk Management allows clients to remain committed to their financial plans during periods of market duress, increasing the probability of goal achievement.
Risk assumed should vary with prevailing market conditions.
Direct Hedging (puts, calls, and short positions) is more effective than indirect, Relational Hedging (diversification).
Valuation serves as a critical metric for overall market exposure, as well as examining the broader investment landscape for new opportunities.
Tactical Asset Allocation and Active Security Selection can improve investment returns and complement traditional investment strategies.
Priced to deliver meaningful value for your investments with complete transparency.
Participate in stock market appreciation while assuming lower ex-ante risk than broader equity indices.
Traditional value driven, long equity strategy.
Portfolio generally contains 25 to 40 stocks.
Individual positions are owned in separate accounts with full visibility and standard liquidity.
Active strategy that should be held for a full market cycle.
Tax efficiency is pursued.
May incorporate stocks with unrealized capital gains.
Long equity exposure while generating option yield.
Long equities serve as the foundation. Covered call strategy executed primarily with longer expirations.
Portfolio generally contains 25 to 40 stocks.
Individual positions are owned in separate accounts with full visibility and standard liquidity.
Active strategy that should be held for a full market cycle.
May incorporate stocks with unrealized capital gains.
Net long equity exposure while tactically managing risk.
Long/Short equity strategy.
Portfolio generally contains 25 to 40 stocks.
Ability to change net equity exposure without disrupting the underlying portfolio.
Individual positions are owned in separate accounts with full visibility and standard liquidity.
Active strategy that should be held for a full market cycle.
Tax efficiency is pursued.
May incorporate stocks with unrealized capital gains.
Participate in stock market appreciation while assuming lower ex-ante risk than broader equity indices.
Traditional value driven, long equity strategy.
Portfolio generally contains 25 to 40 stocks.
Individual positions are owned in separate accounts with full visibility and standard liquidity.
Active strategy that should be held for a full market cycle.
Tax efficiency is pursued.
May incorporate stocks with unrealized capital gains.
Global equity exposure via tactically managed exchange traded funds.
Sector weightings and geographic mix result from active investment decisions.
Portfolio generally contains 10 to 25 positions.
Concentrated investments in countries, foreign currency, commodities or other unique strategies may be held, including leveraged exchange traded funds.
Individual positions are owned in separate accounts with full visibility and standard liquidity.
Passive portfolios available with different risk criteria from Conservative to Aggressive.
Global Equity exposure with passive management and broad exposure across multiple equity and fixed income investments.
Portfolio generally contains 8 to 12 positions.
Ability to favor areas of equity or fixed income market based on market conditions.
Designed for the long term and held for a full market cycle.
Tax efficiency is pursued.
Strategy seeks to provide diversification benefits by broadening sources of risk and return.
Holdings and exposures are unconstrained.
The strategy seeks to achieve positive returns over a full market cycle.
Positions held in separate account with full visibility and standard liquidity.
Launched opportunistically based on market conditions.
Individual positions are owned in separate accounts with full visibility and standard liquidity.
Past portfolios launched include Pandemic, YieldFolio and Recovery Growth.
Invest in exchange traded funds, mutual funds and/or individual fixed income securities.
Selection process includes economic, yield curve, and credit analysis.
Estimated after tax return, credit spreads and liquidity drive the municipal/taxable bond mix.
Individual positions are owned in separate accounts with full visibility and standard liquidity.