How to Maximize 529 Plans to Pay for Education Expenses (or not)- Part II

529 plans are a tax-advantaged way to save for college expenses because they allow tax-free earnings growth and tax-free withdrawals when funds are used specifically for qualified higher education...

529 Planning

The time has come! You want to start saving for the education of your child, grandchild, or even yourself. But what do you need to know about saving through...

Five Uncommon Ways to Use a Home Equity Line of Credit

A home is the largest asset for most Americans. Not only is it where you live and make memories, tapping into a home’s equity — the difference between what...

Achieving Success: The Power of Goal Setting and Building a Budget

Financial tips for establishing a budget to support your long-and short-term financial objectives. When I was a child, my father taught me to save my allowance. He told me...

How to Maximize 529 Plans to Pay for Education Expenses (or not) – Part I

Learn about recent changes to the 529 college plans and what expenses are allowed with this quick guide. With the start of the new school year, now is a...

Three Cons of Self-Insurance

While self-insurance presents certain pros, it is important to recognize that this approach is not without its cons. Self-insurance involves assuming financial responsibility for potential losses or damages instead...

Three Pros of Self-Insurance

In a world of uncertainties, protecting oneself against unexpected financial burdens is paramount. Insurance offers a safety net, but have you ever considered an alternative approach known as self-insurance?...

Ensuring a Successful Family Legacy

The goal of this paper is to help you structure a successful and enduring legacy.  Ensuring a Successful Family Legacy will frame the issues around your legacy, enable you...

Introducing Your Children To Your Family Wealth

These 5 tips will help you to instill your values about your family’s wealth with children of all ages. Wealthy families often struggle with how to tell their children...

Legacy Series: Thoughts On Philanthropy

At the Colony Group, our mission is to deliver peace of mind to our clients and to empower their visions of tomorrow. A component of how we achieve our...

Why You May Now Want to Consider After-Tax 401(k) Contributions

Defined contribution plans, such as a traditional 401(k) plan, offer the benefit of saving for retirement using pre-tax dollars.  For 2017, the maximum contribution to these plans allowed by...

What Should You Know About Long-Term Care Insurance?

As the average life expectancy of Americans continues to increase, many people are finding that they or their loved ones require support services to meet their needs as they...