Why Is Inflation so Low?

Editors Note: This analysis is being published in collaboration with EconoFact, a nonpartisan economic publication that created the following content. The Issue: Inflation has averaged just over 1-1/2 percent...

Sometimes, it’s not good to be King

By: Jason Blackwell, CFA, CAIA®, Chief Investment Strategist; Brian Katz, CFA, Chief Investment Officer & Richard Steinberg, CFA, Chief Market Strategist When we look back on the returns of...

What Can the Employment Report Tell Us?

Editors Note: This analysis is being published in collaboration with EconoFact, a nonpartisan economic publication that created the following content. The Issue: Slowing growth abroad, particularly in Germany and...

Technicolor Investing in a World of Two-Tone News

By: Jason Blackwell, CFA, CAIA®, Chief Investment Strategist; Brian Katz, CFA, Chief Investment Officer & Richard Steinberg, CFA, Chief Market Strategist Movies developed using technicolor appear highly saturated if...


In this quarter’s newsletter, we discuss two topics that we believe are quite timely. First, we preview a relatively new economic theory known as Modern Monetary Theory, which should...


The ten-year-old bull market’s resiliency was on display during the first quarter of 2019, with the U.S. stock market recovering nearly all its losses from the previous...

Tips for Investors When Stock Markets Get Wonky

Tips for investors when stock markets get wonky. We lay out a plan of action to keep it all in...


The fourth quarter of 2018 will go down as one of the worst for investors since this recovery began in March of...


For the third quarter, the S&P 500 had its best quarterly performance in five years as U.S. equities continued their run of dominance over nearly all other countries and...


What Will Kill the Bull Market (and When)? – We identify the forces that could instill fear into the markets and potentially diminish...

Can the Market Get High on its Own Supply?

How many companies are in the Wilshire 5000—a broad index of publicly traded domestic stocks? On the surface, this appears to be a brain teaser akin to “what color...

Market sell-off triggered by ‘perfect storm’ of uncertainty, says pro

Richard Steinberg, Chief Market Strategist, weighs in on market activity as stocks sell off amid earnings season and geopolitical...


Financial markets faltered during the first quarter of 2018 following several quarters of relative...

Should You Invest in Alternative Investments?

Learn what alternative investments are and how they may be able to add more diversification to your...

Uncovering The Risks of Investing Too Conservatively

Conservative investors should take a look at the actual risk in their investments. It may be more than they...

Mutual Fund Fees: How To Know What You Are Paying For

We uncover the facts about mutual fund fees with this primer. Use this to know if you are paying too...

The Best Questions To Ask To Be A Better Investor

Ask the right questions to improve your investments. Start with these questions to ask yourself or your...

Think Like An Investment Advisor To Be A Better Investor

The best way to be a better investor is to understand what the investment pros look for when investing money. Here's...

How One Day Can Make a Big Difference in Your Investment Performance

We take a fresh look at your performance review report. What do those numbers really tell you about how you are...

Investing for Returns or Investing in ESG Strategies: A False Dichotomy

Clients are asking more than ever of their advisors. Routine conversations around having enough to retire, saving for college, or leaving a financial legacy have become more robust as...

Is this rate cycle different?

Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen signaled last week that monetary policy is on the path to normalization and that the long period of extremely accommodative short term interest rates...

The Equity Bull Market is not Running on Empty

Despite its age, the bull market for equities looks well-positioned to continue, putting it as the second longest in American history.  Corporate profits have emerged from a so-called “earnings...

Dovish Hike

The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) delivered a 25bps interest rate hike last week that was largely in line with expectations.  This marked only the third interest rate hike...

Fed hike already ‘baked in’ the market: Pro

Richard Steinberg, Chief Market Strategist, shares his outlook on the Fed’s probable interest rate hike and market reaction, and why he’s keeping an eye on...

Look at rally with sense of ‘healthy skepticism’: Pro

Richard Steinberg, Chief Market Strategist, provides his take on the market rally and why he is waiting for more clarity from...