The Right Time to Sell Your Business Webinar Series Recordings
Transition planning is one of the most important issues facing any business owner. Too often, a business owner pursues an exit when one or more of the “clocks” is not aligned, which may result in a sub-optimal value, delays, or even cancellation of the transaction.
The key to maximizing the value of your business and preparing you and your family for “life after the sale” is aligning the Three Clocks – Industry, Business, and Personal & Family.
This webinar series brings together the extensive experience of 15 business transition specialists in three panels to discuss the three clocks and how to gauge ‘what time it is’ on each clock associated with your potential ownership exit.
Business owners and their advisors will gain insights from these experts to help avoid common pitfalls and learn how to prepare well in advance for a successful sale.
The Industry Clock: Is your industry favorable to potential buyers?
Our webinar series kicks off as we explore the industry factors that may affect the value of your business. Ideally, you want to sell when your industry is growing and experiencing a high level of profitability, and when industry multiples are high. Some of the questions our panel of experts answered are:
- What industries are in or out of favor?
- What trends across industries are impacting M&A activity?
- What is the current state of Private Equity and available capital?
- How do strategic buyers view the challenges and opportunities of the current market?
- What effect may the potential tax changes have on valuations and timing of a sale?
- What are some key ‘lessons learned’ from an experienced ‘strategic buyer’ and ‘private equity seller’ business owner?
The Business Clock: Have you optimized the most important value-drivers for your business?
Your business has been the hub and economic engine generating cash flow for you and your family. As you approach the decision to sell the business, identifying key value drivers and taking steps to improve them may help to drive up the price and may help you realize your post-sale lifestyle and financial goals.
Our panel of experts will explore how to shift as much potential value to the business owner’s side of the equation in advance of entering into any discussions with a buyer by focusing on the key value drivers for your business. You will hear the perspectives of our industry professionals, who will answer:
- What are the critical value-drivers business owners should focus on during the T-5 period?
- How and when should an owner build their team of ‘transaction’ advisors?
- Does the type of business entity influence net proceeds from a sale?
- How does the business owner’s day-to-day involvement impact the potential sale price?
- What are the key tax considerations in a business sale?
- To whom and when do you share plans to sell?
- What are some key ‘lessons learned’ in preparing a business for sale from an experienced former business owner?
The Personal & Family Clock: Are you and your family well-positioned for a successful future post sale?
Preparing yourself and your family for life after the sale is often overlooked as owners typically focus their energies only on the business aspects of the transaction. We have experienced situations where the Industry and Business Clocks were ready, but the owner and family blocked the sale at the last minute because they were not prepared.
In our final webinar, our panel will discuss building a strategy for a meaningful and satisfying life for you and future generations as you transition from running an operating company to managing a “financial” company. Some of the questions the panel will address are:
- What are the common traits that contribute to a successful future after a business transaction?
- Why is having a vision of life post-sale so important before deciding to sell?
- What are some of the most important questions to answer before moving ahead with a sale?
- How can philanthropy contribute to a family’s success after the sale?
- Should future estate planning be on the table as the deal is structured?
- What are some key ‘lessons learned’ from an experienced former business owner?
Featuring The Authors Of
Your Next Adventure: Planning for Life After the Sale of Your Business